Movie Description
A beloved 1980s cartoon series, HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE follows the mythical adventures of a mild-mannered royal whose magic sword transforms him into a loinclothed, Prince Valiant-coiffed muscleman known as He-Man, the most powerful being in the universe. Together with a loyal band of followers that includes his pet tiger Cringer, man-at-arms Duncan, beautiful captain-of-the-guards Teela, the cloaked floating magician Orko, and his winged mentor Sorceress, He-Man fights to protect the magically-powered Castle Greyskull from the evil clutches of his skull-faced nemesis Skeletor, who presides over his own army of supervillains. Designed to be played on portable Playstations, this collection chronicles He-Man and Skeletor's epic battles with five episodes chosen by fans as the best of the second season: "Into the Abyss," "Teela's Triumph," "To Save Skeletor," "The Problem with Power," and "Origin of the Sorceress."
Format: UMD
Aug 2005
Not Rated
Recording Mode: (unknown)
UPC: 787364643394
A beloved 1980s cartoon series, HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE follows the mythical adventures of a mild-mannered royal whose magic sword transforms him into a loinclothed, Prince Valiant-coiffed muscleman known as He-Man, the most powerful being in the universe. Together with a loyal band of followers that includes his pet tiger Cringer, man-at-arms Duncan, beautiful captain-of-the-guards Teela, the cloaked floating magician Orko, and his winged mentor Sorceress, He-Man fights to protect the magically-powered Castle Greyskull from the evil clutches of his skull-faced nemesis Skeletor, who presides over his own army of supervillains. Designed to be played on portable Playstations, this collection chronicles He-Man and Skeletor's epic battles with five episodes chosen by fans as the best of the second season: "Into the Abyss," "Teela's Triumph," "To Save Skeletor," "The Problem with Power," and "Origin of the Sorceress."
Format: UMD
Aug 2005
Not Rated
Recording Mode: (unknown)
UPC: 787364643394
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