Movie Description
This engrossing drama written, directed, and produced by Nunnally Johnson (THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT) is the true story of a Georgia housewife with three personalities; it is based on the book of the same title written by her doctors. Narrator Alistair Cooke introduces "Eve White" (Joanne Woodward), a polite, dreary woman, and her unsophisticated husband, Ralph (David Wayne), who are seeking help from Dr. Luther (Lee J. Cobb). Eve suffers from occasional severe headaches followed by "spells" of memory loss. She cannot remember buying sexy, expensive dresses or going to Atlanta for a week and has started hearing voices. Dr. Luther is flabbergasted when one day, the drab woman transforms into the flirtatious, vibrant "Eve Black"--who insists that she does not have a husband or a daughter. Luther, who has only read of multiple personality syndrome, struggles to treat the confused, scared Eve. Meanwhile, Ralph cannot abide the racy playgirl Eve Black and threatens to take away their daughter. As Luther and Eve desperately search for a cause and cure, a third personality emerges. An absorbing story of the trials of mental illness, the film features a mesmerizing, not-to-be missed performance by Joanne Woodward.
Cast: David Wayne, Joanne Woodward, Lee J. Cobb
Director: Nunnally Johnson
Producer: Nunnally Johnson
Joanne Woodward gives a tour-de-force portrayal of a young woman seeking psychiatric help in dealing with her three distinct personalities.
Film Notes
Theatrical releasedate: September 1957.
Joanne Woodward (Eve) has been married to actor Paul Newman since 1958 and was directed by him in one of her best performances, in RACHEL, RACHEL.
THREE FACES OF EVE is based on a true story.
Industry Reviews
"...Joanne Woodward took a best-actress Oscar for only her third screen appearance....It's still a remarkable performance..."
USA Today - Mike Clark (07/23/1993)
"Woodward is still captivating..."
Entertainment Weekly - Michelle Kung (10/08/2004)
Format: VHS
May 1996
Recording Mode: Stereo
Sound: Stereo
95 min.
UPC: 086162141331
This engrossing drama written, directed, and produced by Nunnally Johnson (THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT) is the true story of a Georgia housewife with three personalities; it is based on the book of the same title written by her doctors. Narrator Alistair Cooke introduces "Eve White" (Joanne Woodward), a polite, dreary woman, and her unsophisticated husband, Ralph (David Wayne), who are seeking help from Dr. Luther (Lee J. Cobb). Eve suffers from occasional severe headaches followed by "spells" of memory loss. She cannot remember buying sexy, expensive dresses or going to Atlanta for a week and has started hearing voices. Dr. Luther is flabbergasted when one day, the drab woman transforms into the flirtatious, vibrant "Eve Black"--who insists that she does not have a husband or a daughter. Luther, who has only read of multiple personality syndrome, struggles to treat the confused, scared Eve. Meanwhile, Ralph cannot abide the racy playgirl Eve Black and threatens to take away their daughter. As Luther and Eve desperately search for a cause and cure, a third personality emerges. An absorbing story of the trials of mental illness, the film features a mesmerizing, not-to-be missed performance by Joanne Woodward.
Cast: David Wayne, Joanne Woodward, Lee J. Cobb
Director: Nunnally Johnson
Producer: Nunnally Johnson
Joanne Woodward gives a tour-de-force portrayal of a young woman seeking psychiatric help in dealing with her three distinct personalities.
Film Notes
Theatrical releasedate: September 1957.
Joanne Woodward (Eve) has been married to actor Paul Newman since 1958 and was directed by him in one of her best performances, in RACHEL, RACHEL.
THREE FACES OF EVE is based on a true story.
Industry Reviews
"...Joanne Woodward took a best-actress Oscar for only her third screen appearance....It's still a remarkable performance..."
USA Today - Mike Clark (07/23/1993)
"Woodward is still captivating..."
Entertainment Weekly - Michelle Kung (10/08/2004)
Format: VHS
May 1996
Recording Mode: Stereo
Sound: Stereo
95 min.
UPC: 086162141331
- UPC 086162141331
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