Were YOU There Then?
General Jesse L. Reno
Collected Fish Specimens
Mountain Ash
Blue Winged Teal
The Six Little Mermaids
Lizards & Plants
Christs death
Els Futboistes Reclamen
My Beloved
The Birth of Venus
At home on the lake
Man with a donkey
Space Scout S-17
The Bricklayer
Neck Poster Print
Vive La France!
Roping Action
The Gaiety Dancers
Composition of Salts
West Park, Pittsburgh
A Dangerous Man
Men Wanted for the Army
Serpent Catcher
The Broken Window
Dorothy and Hen
The Chamois
The Goat
Hydrocylon Armatus
Vanilla Orchid
Shortia Galacifolia
Doing His Bit
Dance a Baby
His Career
Tristano e Isolda
Scops Eared Owl
Girl in the Pullman
The Covered Wagon
King Lear, Act 1 Scene 1
Le Nouveau Truc
Boing Airplane
ROK 2000 NY Foxtrot
Stuartia - Camellia
Carolina Cuckoo
Skeletons of Leaves
The Municipal Official