Picking Fruit
Answer Game Robot
Plucky Four
The Heart of a Dog
May Flower Brand Tea
Chinese Bird Design
Bassin D'Argenteuil
Autruche (Ostrich)
The Standard Mower
The Procession
69th Street Ferry
Newt Poster Print
Dainty Summer Gowns
Butterfly Nebula
A Cottage Orne #2
V for Valentine
Buy War Bonds
The Castaways Await
Buffalo Bill: Je Viens
The Urals to the Front
Balloon Flotilla
Scribner's for Xmas
Dog Wash
Black & Yellow Broadbill
Four Sons
The Card Players
Good-bye, Mr. Chips
Shells, Snails
Tournament Venue
Passion of Christ
LSD: Flesh of the Devil
The Sailor
The Cup of tea
Lucky Tommy Gun
Footer's Dye Works
Union Station
Jelly Fish
Phantoms "Fantomas"
The Cancelled Mortgage
The Phantom Empire
Lilies of the Field
Lady in the Garden
Over Hill, Over Dale
A True Conservationist
Jefferson Davis