The Theophilanthropes
Lime Juice Comp.
I Love Fruit
Tequila Mockingbird
Jelly Fish
Jealous Husbands
Fromme Calendar Printers
Bringing in the Beer
Do it Now
Hone your Skills
Portola Brand Pilchards
Potomac Boat Club
John Quincy Adams
Medieval Natural Design
Nursing Major
We Follow, We Lead
Sharing a Book
The Bonze Dragon
Upon Cupid
The Gorilla
Portrait of a Lady
Cotte de Heraut
The Magdalen
The Sunshine Dresses
The Hand of the Heavens
Greek Figures
The Perils of Pauline
Chief in War Paint
Champion Pears
K for King Cole
Gray Cardigan Suit
Longacre Theatre II
Melodious or Cuba Finch
Ornate Blue Bird Cage G
A Suburban Residence
The Commodore, 1911
Warrior Robot
The Empire Needs Men
Over There
Panhard - Cars Rapides