Sea Horses
Shanghaied Lovers
The Breakfast
Without the Rain
Bearded Seal
Mac Nab
Common Elm
Pine Creeper
Hawks Bill Turtle
Violet Tanager
Tincture Iodine
A Northeaster
Henry V
Inde Francaise
Ra and Harmachis
Genuine Fone Truck
High-Wheeled Robot
Mr. Frog Goes A-Wooing
The Battle of Chippewa
Sikkim Larch
Clean Sweep Broom Label
Night Excavations
Flor Esquisitos Fina
The Wolf Hunters
The Wolf
Hopeless Case
Forestry Major
Hanging Prints
La Lure Silk Stockings
Mahratta Horseman
The Regal
Indian Game (Chickens)
Map of Eastern Europe #4
The Three Wise Men
The Mysterious Island
Four Cocker Spaniels
Sancho Panza
Learning the Morse Code
The A Team
Russian on Horseback
Russian Movie Poster
Starlight - Tahiti
Admirals' Masquerade
Les Parfumes de J. Daver
Au Tambourin
Reddish Egret
Dance Magic
Snowy Owl
Leg Irons a "Success"
Lion Poster Print
Heraldry Ordinaries
Brown Viper
Police Call
Meet and Talk
Tropical Angel Fish
Perfection Ammonia